How Etsy reviews work

Buyers use Etsy’s five-star review system (one being the lowest and five being the highest) to review their purchases. This reviews are very important for my little etsy shop.
When a buyer can leave a review is based on the estimated delivery date of the order and expires 100 calendar days from that date.
The estimated delivery date is the purchase date + processing time + shipping days.
For purchases of digital items, the 100 day period begins when the buyer downloads the file(s).
  • A buyer can edit a review any number of times during that 100 day period. 
  • When a review is left, the buyer's profile information will be publicly displayed in the seller's reviews.
When purchasing an item in person from the Sell on Etsy app, a review can only be left if the seller sells an item from an existing listing and the buyer provides an email which is also associated with an Etsy buyer account. The buyer can leave a review immediately.


Buyers can leave a review by going to You > Purchases and reviewsThe option won't be available if the order is not eligible for a review.
If the order is eligible for a review, select the star rating for the item, write your review, and then click Post Your Review.

On the Etsy App for iOS and Android:

  • On the iOS app, tap You > Purchases & Reviews
  • On the Android app, tap Purchases.
Find your order and tap Leave ReviewThe option won't be available if the order is not eligible for reviewing.
If the order is eligible for a review, select the star rating for the item, write your review, and then tap Submit.
If you leave a five-star review for your purchase, you will be given the option to include a photograph of your purchase.
Keep in mind that if an order or transaction is canceled, Etsy considers that order or transaction to be over and voided. However, it can take up to 48 hours for the cancellation to process, during which time an eligible review can be left and edited.

Processing time

Processing time is the length of time it takes a seller to ship an item from the time the order is received. Five (5) business days are automatically assigned if the seller does not provide a processing time for the order.
If an order has multiple items with different processing times, the maximum processing time will be used.
If the order has multiple items with and without processing times, the maximum processing time will still be used whether it was a pre-set processing time or the assigned estimate of 5 days for items without a processing time.

Shipping days

Shipping days is the number of days it takes the order to ship to you. Etsy gives sellers 4 business days for domestic shipments within any country and 10 business days for international shipments.
Processing times are determined by the seller. If the seller updates processing times or marks the order as shipped early, Etsy will adjust the estimated arrival date accordingly.
Etsy employees may remove reviews that violate Etsy’s policies or guidelines. Reviews or comments which are removed by Etsy employees cannot be reinstated.
